Past Life Readings


Past Life Readings are similar to Intuitive Life Readings, however, they expand the scope of inquiry to help us to discover what overlays from other Life Journeys are influencing our “here and now”.

Our Soul journeys in a variety of ways, sometimes in multiple dimensions or over multiple lifetimes, to fulfill our deepest desire to grow spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually.

Many people perceive these journeys to be sequential or linear in fashion, but the truth is much more complex. It would be more accurate to say that we journey simultaneously (as described through the study of Quantum Physics).

As a result we experience overlays from one life experience to another, and have the capacity to influence change and growth, as we fulfill quests that can be felt through our whole Being.


Past Life Readings allow your Soul Group to focus between your current life journey and a previous (or alternative) life journey(s) to discern what life strand (‘story’) speaks most directly to your present situation.

Your Soul Group (via Akashic Soul Connection) will share insights to increase your awareness of choices that will enable you to heal or discern the ‘way through’. Often we begin work in other lifetimes that we were unable to complete, and those strands weave into our present day seeking resolution and fulfillment.

Discover what blocks you from experiencing peace, self-love, happiness, and personal fulfillment; learn what underlies these patterns and what you are being called to do to clear them.

To begin your journey into the Past with your Soul Group, please go to: Book a Session, or Contact if you have additional questions and want to connect with Gizelle directly.


“Consciousness is a clear place in Gabrielle’s Life. She reads from the Soul Records, has the Joy to Love all she is doing and is a blessing in each readings Life. … Touchstones and Keys of Golden Light will open up for each person — the offerings will be bright and core for each person you sit with.”

Angela G. 

Talent, OR

“Although I have long been aware of your gifts of practical insight and communication, I was quite pleasantly surprised at how well you are able to apply both to intuitive vision.

Your perceptions rang true and the metaphors that evolved during our session carried meaning to a deep personal level. Your artful mastery of our language (aside from being really impressive) was especially compelling–I was absorbed as if under the spell of a gifted storyteller.

I look forward to the opportunity for further exploration!”

David G.

Ashland OR

“My session with Gabrielle was eye-opening in a number of ways. After our session I made a decision to spend more time paying attention to details in my life and looking at the connections between things.

Her vision for me was so clear and involved imagery that I could relate to and felt comfortable with. I now am clearer about the events in my life and how they connect with one another. I can see my life from a larger perspective.

I realize that my life is beautiful but there are intersections and angles within in it that I need to pay more attention to. I need more time for me. Gabrielle made me feel comfortable.

I felt safe with her and gained a lot from the reading.”

Lucie S.

Ashland OR

Contact Me

Please let me know how I may support you as you move along your Path.

(541) 944 0748

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